Now, I will explain about why I choose Senior High School 1 Kebumen for the next school after I leave my Junior High School.

It is because Senior High School 1 of Kebumen or SMANSA is well-known in my hometown as the best school and favourite school in here. SMANSA often wins many championship in many degree. Most of the alumnus SMANSA also continue their studey in State University and they are success. I wanna be like them through SMANSA. I hope I can carve good achievment here. SMANSA is designated International High School (RSBI). My school before also like this, in International level. We use English as our language. So, I want to improve my English in better. English is very important because we can do communication with other people in foreign country. English make me easier to keep in touch with them. Now, I get many friend from foreign country. Ok, it is prove that English is very important. By Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany (20th June 2011) MOS SMANSA 2011/2012.

Unforgottable moment in grade X : 

Resensi Novel Saat Aku Mengingat Tuhan

Hutang  Berujung Tobat


Judul Novel     : Saat Aku Mengingat Tuhan
Penulis             : Denisa Prameswari Rosandria
Penerbit           : Departemen Agama
Tebal               : 128 Halaman

            Buku ini menggambarkan kisah seorang penulis Astrid Nur Taiyou yang berusia 17 tahun . Dia sedang bermasalah dengan ketiga sahabat baiknya Mary , Raisha . dan Ratna  . Astrid berhutang sampai 7 juta kepada ketiga sahabatnya .  Dia tidak mungkin mengadukan masalahnya kepada orang tuanya , bisa-bisa dia dikirim ke sekolah militer . Akhrnya ia meminta bantuan kepada Paman Rama . Paman Rama pemilik perusahaan penerbitan yang sering membantu Astrid untuk menampilkan karya-karya tulisnya .
            Paman rama menawarkan bantuan kepada Astrid semua hutangnya tanpa memberi tahu orang tuanya . Dengan syarat Astrid harus membuat novel pembangun jiwa dalam waktu satu bulan . Astrid bingung karena belum pernah membuat novel pembangun jiwa , saat Astrid bingung memikirkan hal tersebut , tidak sengaja ia bertemu dengan Novia , teman sekelasnya yang tidak pernah ia anggap . Dari pertemuan itulah , ia mulai mendapatkan pencerahan . Bukan saja untuk membuat novelnya tapi juga untuk hidupnya . Karena sejak dekat dengan Novia ,  tidak hanya Astrid yang rajin beribadah tetapi Mary juga mulai rajin beribadah seperti Astrid . Namun sebaliknya Ratna dan Raisha beranggapan bahwa Novia telah menghasut mereka .
             Kekurangan dari novel ini adalah ilustrasi kurang sesuai dengan cerita . Seperti yang terdapat pada halaman 7 . Namun kelebihanya kata-kata nya dan gaya bahasa yang sederhana membuat novel ini sangat mudah dipahami .
            Selain itu , novel ini juga sangat bermanfaat bagi remaja saat ini yang hidupnya selalu bergaya glamor . Serta dapat meningkatkan iman dan takwa kita kepada Allah SWT

                                                                                                Kelompok 2 ( X1 IPA 3 )        :

1.      A. Safrizal                         ( 01 )
2.      Ardhiyan Kurnia R            ( 06 )
3.      Galih Renandi P.               ( 10 )
4.      Maya Afifah                     ( 18 )
5.      Maya Elfira C.                  ( 19 )

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 Anak-anak pertukaran pelajar SMP Negeri 1 Cimahi... 

Wah-wah, dari kiri ke kanan.. Luthfi, Wildan, Aku, Ardyanto (Ketutupan), Billy, dan Yan.. Sekarang, semua bersekolah di SMANSA Kebumen kecuali Ardyanto (Taruna Nusantara) dan Billy (Vanlith) 

Dari kiri ke kanan, Aku, Ardy, Billy, dan Yan..  

 Foto kelas anak VIIB tapi nggak lengkap sih.. Ga perlu gue sebutin namanya satu-satu kan?

KELAS VIII D sementara masih absen

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Sekian terima kasih...

Find Me

Di postinganku yang satu ini, terdapat foto "jadul" waktu aku masih duduk di bangku SMP. Coba kalian cari aku dan temukan aku di dalam foto ini.. Haha, Let's Try It!

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Sedikit Mengenaiku

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Nama : Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany
Nama Panggilan : Dhany
Sekarang sedang menimba ilmu di SMA Negeri 1 Kebumen kelas X1 IPA 3. Hobiku adalah main sepakbola, nge-game, musik. Sekarang sudah jarang nge-game dikarenakan waktu yang sempit (sok sibuk). Memiliki idola, dan menjadikan idola itu sebagai motivasi belajar agar dapat sukses dunia dan akhirat, Amien. Haha, yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah mengapa aku menulis hal seperti ini? Mungkin anda semua bisa menjawab sesuai yang ada  di dalam pikiran anda. Akun twitterku @ramadhany26 dan akun facebookku bernama nama lengkap saya. Pesan untuk anak IPA 3 untuk jangan selalu diam #KataPakBasir (sekali-kali berisik napa), karena diam itu tidak selamanya emas. Karena "Time is Money" maka cukup sekian dan terima kasih.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Angry Bird di Dunia Nyata

Angry Birds Dalam Kehidupan Nyata

Inilah bentuk nyata dari burung-burung yang ada dalam game Angry Birdshttp://hermawayne.blogspot.com

Angry Bird Seasons

Angry Birds Seasons Terbaru 2012

Angry Birds Seasons
Angry Birds adalah sebuah permainan yang dikembangkan oleh pengembang game komputer Finlandia Rovio Mobile dengan karakternya adalah kawanan burung dengan berbagai kemampuan yang dimiliki sedangkan musuhnya adalah seekor babi berwarna hijau. Asal mulanya adalah karena si babi mencuri telur dari burung dan si burung hendak berusaha untuk mengambil telur mereka kembali. Angry Birds sekarang tersedia banyak versi dari Versi Rio, Season dan juga Space. Burung pada permainan ini ditembakkan dengan sebuah ketapel. Memang cukup sulit sih untuk pemula dalam memainkan atau mengarahkan ke sasarannya. Pada artikel ini akan dijelaskan mengenai Angry Birds Season. Simak review kami dibawah ini.

Game Angry Birds sekarang sudah tersebar di seluruh penjuru dunia karena game ini tidak hanya dimainkan oleh anak kecil lagi tetapi orang dewasa pun sekarang juga ikut memainkannya. Jika anda yang menyukai permainan strategi mungkin Game Angry Birds Season ini patut dicoba karena walaupun game ini kelihatannya gampang tapi untuk mendapatkan skor tinggi dengan 3 bintang tidaklah semudah yang dibayangkan. Pada game Angry Birds terdapat telur berwarna emas (Golden Eggs) yang jika diambil kita akan dapat memainkan babak bonus.

Pada Game Angry Birds terdapat babi babi dengan ukuran yang berbeda beda. Ada yang besar dan juga ada yang kecil. Semakin besar ukuran babi tersebut maka untuk mengalahkannya pun juga lebih sulit karena jika babi berbentuk kecil merupakan yang paling lemah. Kita juga dapat menggunakan bantuan yang tersedia seperti bom penghancur untuk dapat mengalahkan musuh yaitu babi.

Episode pada Angry Birds Seasons

Pada awal mulanya, Rovio merilis Angry Birds Seasons edisi Halloween pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2010. Judul dari episode edisi special Halloween itu adalah Trick or Treat. Setelah sukses dengan episode itu hadir lagi level baru dengan episode hari Natal yang berjudul Season's Greedings. Tidak lama kemudian ditambah lagi level baru untuk hari menyambut hari Valentine dengan judul Hogs and Kisses yang rilis Pada bulan Februari 2011. Angry Birds Season seakan tidak mau menyerah untuk menambahkan level level baru maka ditambahlah episode selanjutnya dengan judul Go Green, Get Lucky yang merupakan episode spesial hari Santo Patrick. Level pada ngry Birds Season terus bertambah. Setelah Go Green, Get Lucky muncul lagi level baru berjudul Easter Eggs pada April 2011 dan Summer Pignic pada bulan Juni 2011. Sekitar 3 bulan keluar lagi update level berjudul Mooncake Festival tepatnya pada bulan September 2011 yaitu episode Festival Pertengahan Musim Gugur Cina. pada bulan Oktober 2011 update level pada Angry Birds Seasons tersedia lagi dengan judul Ham'O'Ween ditambah lagi penambahan burung berwarna oranye (orange) yang dikenal sebagai burung dunia. 2 bulan kemudian yaitu bulan Desember 2011 episode baru muncul dengan judul Wreck the Halls dengan 25 level pada Christmas. Sedangkan pada tanggal 20 Januari 2012 episode Year of the Dragon muncul dengan tema Tahun Baru Cina(Imlek). Pembaruan episode ini terdapat juga naga raksasa (Mighty Dragon). Naga raksasa disini sama seperti Mighty Eagle. Update baru muncul lagi pada 7 Maret 2012 dengan tema Jepang / Hanami berjudul Cherry Blossom untuk memperingati musim semi di Jepang. Update ini sebelumnya diumumkan oleh Rovio Entertainment Antti Sonninen di ADC Meetup pada tanggal 29 Februari 2012. Pada bulan Juni 2012 Angry Birds Seasons menambahkan musim ke 12 nya yaitu Piglantis. Piglantis diluncurkan pada tanggal 14 Juni Lalu. Fitur utama pada Angry Birds Piglantis adalah fluid physics.

Angry Birds Seasons

Bagi anda yang ingin memainkannya pada PC / komputer atau laptop silahkan Download Angry Birds Seasons 2.4.1 Full yang sudah termasuk Season Piglantis. Untuk mendownloadnya silahkan klik link Download Angry Birds Season versi 2.4.1 dibawah ini.

Angry Birds Seasons

Narrative Text


            Once upon a time in a very big forest, there was a very clever and cunning animal called Sang Kancil. He lived not only with his parents, but also  his brother. They were a happy family. They always looked for food together. If one of them didn’t get any food, they would share the food.
One day, Sang Kancil and his family had been walked in the forest. They were very hungry and tired. Sang Kancil turned his head around on side him. There were many food. Sang Kancil told this to his parents. “Wow, it looks very delicius.” said his brother. Then, they ate the food together. When they ate the food, sang kancil hear something. “Sst, I hear something. Don’t be noisy.” said sang kancil give a notice to his parents. His parents and brother didn’t pay attention to him. They enjoyed their delicious food. It was true, sang kancil looked there was a cruel hunter. The hunter shot his sniper. Sang Kancil’s parents and brother were killed by him. Sang Kancil was safe because he ran very quickly when saw the hunter.
He was very sad. He lost his parents and brother. He regretted because he couldn’t safe his family. Now, he lived alone. He was angry with human beings, especially hunters. He planed to revenge the hunters. He tought how to revenge them, and finally he got a brilliant idea.
One day, in the late afternoon. Sang Kancil went to the village. He went to the human’s field. And he found a field that full of cucumbers. He ate the cucumbers as many as he wanted. After he was statisfied, he came back to the forest. And every afternoon, he went to the cucumber field.
One morning, the farmer came to his  cucumber field. He was very surprised. He found his field was destroyed. The cucumbers were not as many as before. And the next day, his cucumber field was destroyed again. The farmer was angry. He promised to catch  whoever stole his cucumbers. He put an imitation man at his field. He also put some latex of jackfruit to the imitation man.
When Sang Kancil enjoyed the cucumber, he looked at the imitation man, but he taught that he was the man who had the field. Sang Kancil came closer to the man. He was afraid and felt sorry because he had stolen the cucumber. He said,”I am sorry, I don’t mean to steal your cucumber, but I’m very hungry. Please, forgive me. Don’t kill me.” But there wasn’t respond of the man. Sang Kancil kicked his legs to the imitation man. He was trapped. He couldn’t move anywhere until the morning was coming.
In the early morning, the farmer checked the cucumber field. And he was happy because he could catch the thief. He didn’t think that thief was Sang Kancil. The farmer brought Sang Kancil to his home and put inside a strong cage. The farmer said to Sang Kancil,”Don’t go anywhere. I will slaughter you and you will be my breakfast.”
Sang Kancil realized that the farmer would slaughter himself. He tought how to escape and went out from the cage. And  suddenly, the farmer’s dog came to Sang Kancil. “It is good chance.” said Sang Kancil. The dog didn’t know that kancil will be slaughter. The dog asked,”Hi Kancil, why are you inside the cage?”. Sang Kancil answered,”Do you know? I will marry with the farmer’s daughter, so the farmer protect me from the other animal here. Do you want to marry his daughter? She is very beautifull.”. The dog said,”Kancil, I think I’m better than you to be a husband of the farmer’s daughter. I replaced you inside the cage and you go out from the cage. Do you agree?”. “Well, I agree.” Said Kancil.
Finally, the dog entered the cage and Sang Kancil could free and ran away into the forest. The farmer was recentful, because he was failed to slaughter Kancil. Meanwhile Sang Kancil which cunning could safe himself from the farmer by tricked the dog.
Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany/X1/06
Academic Year 2011/2012

Timun Mas

One night, while they were praying, Buto Ijo a giant with supranatural powers passed their house. He heard they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said Buto Ijo. The farmers were so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child letter and agree to take the offer. Later, Buto Ijo gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers planted them carefully. Then the seeds changed into plants. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. They named her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber. Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed into a beautiful girl. On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy.
However, the parents were very sad. They knew they had to keep their promise to Buto Ijo the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. "My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said father. "What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," said Timun Mas.
Right after that, Buto Ijo came into their house. "Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother. Buto ijo was angry. He knew the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became sea. Buto Ijo had to swim to cross the sea. Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. However, he was still able to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field. But Buto Ijo still could escape from the field. Then it was the last magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste or terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. Buto Ijo was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was drowning and died.
Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy that they finally together again.
Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany/X1/06
Academic Year 2011/2012

  1. What is the purpose of the text above?
A.   To tell readers the past events.
B.   To describe a particular animal.
C.   To amuse readers with the story.
D.   To share with readers about unusual experience.
E.   To inform readers about events of the day.
  1. What is the type of the text about?
A.   Recount.
B.   News item.
C.   Procedure.
D.   Description.
E.   Narrative.
  1. What is the moral value of the text?
A.   Don’t be greedy.
B.   Always be patient and don't despair to face all problem of our life.
C.   Don’t be an enemy to our friends.
D.   Don’t use wrong way to get something.
E.   Don’t be lazy and arrogant.
  1. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. The antonym of the underline word is...
A.   Keen.
B.   Acute.
C.   Incisive.
D.   Blunt.
E.   Taper.
  1. The story has...
A.   Happy ending.
B.   Sad ending.
C.   Exhausted ending.
D.   Hard ending.
E.   Confusing ending.

Crita Lucu Basa Jawa

Puasa Kaping Pisane ing Wulan Ramadhan

          Aku duwe crita sing lucu. Nek aku eling-eling kedadeyan iki, aku bisa ngguya-ngguyu dhewe. Kedadeyan iki tak alami wektu aku isih kelas lima SD ing wulan Ramadhan.
          Dina iku aku puasa kaping pisane. Tangi turu jam setengah papat esuk banjur aku sahur. Aku sahur lawuhe jangan bening, iwak, lan tempe. Mripatku isih kelap-kelip kaya lampu disko. Sahur rasane dadi ora tentrem. Sawise sahur aku banjur turu meneh. Tangi turu meneh jebulane wis imsyak, nanging wetengku isih rada kroncongan. Owalah, tembe kelingan wektu sahur iku aku agi ora selera mangan. Dadi aku mangane sethitik, sisane isih lumayan akeh. Eman-eman yakin, padahal lawuhe enak-enak banget. Hahaha.
          Aku banjur nglaksanaake shalat Subuh. Sawise sholat Subuh, aku adus amarga arep mangkat sekolah. Nang sekolah, wetengku muni bae “kruyak kruyuk” seru banget. Aku diguyu kanca-kancaku. Aku isin banget. Jarene kancaku, sajenne pas sahur isih kurang.
          Bali sekolah wetengku isih dangdutan bae. Adhiku sing paling cilik ora puasa. Adhiku malah pamer mangan es krim. Nyess, enak banget ya kayane nek aku mangan es krime adhiku. Saking ngelihe aku turu lan tangi-tangi wis arep buka. Bukane ana es campur lan panganan enak liya-liyane. Alhamdulillah aku bisa ngrampungake dina puasa kaping pisan iki. Sawise buka, banjur aku Maghriban lan maca Qur’an utawa tadarusan.
          Jam pitu kurang sepuluh menit wengi, aku siap mangkat traweh. Sadurunge, aku ngampiri kancaku sing jenenge Galih Renandi Putra lan Arif Budiman. Omahe kancaku iku edhek utawa cedhak karo omahku. Sawise ngampiri kancaku banjur mangkat mlaku menyang mesjid Agung utawa menyang mushola pendopo. Sadurunge traweh aku pancen biasane dolanan mercon dhisit. Aku ana niat jahat ngerjani Galih. Tak sumed mercone, maknyuss. Tor! Malah tanganku sing kejeblugan. Tanganku ora papa, nanging rasane pedes banget. Jebulane sumbu mercone kae endhep. Aku diguyu Galih lan Arif.
          Aku isih ora kapok, tak tabuh meneh mercone lan langsung tak guwak nang ngarep omahe wong. Tor! Aku ora ngerti nek nang kana ana wong sing agi turu. Wong iku kaget lan langsung ndomehi. Aku, Galih, lan Arif banjur mlayu banter banget kaya pembalap formula siji (F1).
          Wis arep tekan, aku takon marang kancaku ”traweh nang mesjid Agung apa pendopo?”. Galih mangsuli “nang pendopo bae, sing cepet”. Arif ngomong “alaah, ngarah pacitane be..”. Pancen nek traweh nang pendopo Kabupaten Kebumen iku enak banget. Wis cepet, entuk pacitan maning. Pacitan biasane isine roti, bakwan, lan aqua gelas. Haha, bocah cilik lah ya...
          Biasane ing mushola pendopo ya ana Bu Rustri, yaiku bupati Kebumen wektu iku. Bu Rustri ana ing shof wadhon.
          Traweh diwiwiti aku, Galih, lan Arif wudhu dhisit. Sawise iku banjur shalat ‘Isya lan dilanjutake shalat traweh sewelas raka’at.
          Nah, pas arep bali, Galih malah dadi kaya wong bingung. “Cepet lih, wis dienteni kie.” omongku. Jebulane Galih agi nggoleti sandhale. Hahaha, bali-bali sandhale Galih rupane wis beda. Sandhale selen! Warnane sih mirip nanging modele beda. Galih kapok nganggo sendhal apik. Aku lan Arif ngguyu terus nganti tekan omah.

Descriptive Text

My Twin Sister

            I have a twin sister. Her name is Annisa Rachma Damayanty. I usually call her Nisa. She was born on January 30th, 1996 in Kebumen, Central Java. She is the second child in our family of three siblings. She lives on Magersari Street in our  house.
            Now, Annisa studies at Senior High School 1 Kebumen. She is in the 10th grade. She is not in the same class with me. She joins the organizations at school such as Youth Red Cross, KBMS, Science Club and LH Club. She was graduated from Junior High School 1 Kebumen. She wants to be a doctor or entrepeneur . She likes studying biology and she likes making handcraft from flannel fabrics.
She is short and fat. She wears a veil. She has long black hair. Her face is round. Her eyes are round and bright. She has a flat nose. Her lips are red. Her height is about 150 cms and her weight is about 50 kgs. She has fairy skin. She is a very kind girl.
She is dilligent and clever. Her hobbies are reading books, swimming and playing music. She can play piano well. Her favourite band is Vierra and she often plays its song on her piano. Sometimes, she also plays guitar with me.
Annisa likes browsing. She also plays twitter. She often chats with her friends. Her Idol is Justin Bieber, a musician from Canada. She has a lot of things about him such as his biography’s book and his songs.
She is friendly and she likes helping her friends. She usually studies with me.
Sometimes she disturbs me. But, I love her very much.

Created by : Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany X1/06

  1. Who is Annisa?
A.   She is my twin sister
B.   She is a student
C.   She is the writer’s twin sister
D.   She is a musician
E.   She is a teacher
  1. Annisa joins the organizations at school such as, except...
A.   Music Club
B.   LH Club
C.   Youth Red Cross
E.   Science Club
  1. Annisa’s hobbies are, except...
A.   Playing piano
B.   Playing guitar
C.   Reading books
D.   Swimming
E.   Diving
  1. She is not in the same class with me. The opposite of the underlined word is...
A.   Different
B.   Opponent
C.   Resemble
D.   Equal
E.   Antagonistic
  1. She has a lot of things about him such as his biography’s book and his songs. The antonym of the underlined word is...
A.   Many
B.   Few
C.   Much
D.   Heavy
E.   Big