Now, I will explain about why I choose Senior High School 1 Kebumen for the next school after I leave my Junior High School.

It is because Senior High School 1 of Kebumen or SMANSA is well-known in my hometown as the best school and favourite school in here. SMANSA often wins many championship in many degree. Most of the alumnus SMANSA also continue their studey in State University and they are success. I wanna be like them through SMANSA. I hope I can carve good achievment here. SMANSA is designated International High School (RSBI). My school before also like this, in International level. We use English as our language. So, I want to improve my English in better. English is very important because we can do communication with other people in foreign country. English make me easier to keep in touch with them. Now, I get many friend from foreign country. Ok, it is prove that English is very important. By Ardhiyan Kurnia Ramadhany (20th June 2011) MOS SMANSA 2011/2012.

Unforgottable moment in grade X :